Monday, December 05, 2005

tube series

I'm not a t.v. person. It may come as a shock to you that I have a 32" flat LCD panel Philips television hanging on my wall. It looks quite pretty, and collects a lot of dust. I can't really take advantage of its HD capability because I do not have any type of home A/V system. In fact, I still have the Sony boombox my dad bought me from Costco, in the 8th grade, which hardly gets radio reception, won't play CD-R's, and the tape decks don't even work anymore. Really, it does nothing. I should get rid of it. But I get attached to things people give me for sentimental reasons.

Recently, I have gotten into a couple t.v. series. Usually my interest runs out on them after I realize they've disappointed me and that I'm getting fat sitting on the couch watching them when I could be making good use of my gym membership. The first is Six Feet Under, which I know already ended. But what an intriguing well-written show, I've seen the first five seasons and have yet to watch the 6th ... waiting for someone's HBO On Demand to come around. Seeing it before a bad Hollywood movie, specifically, The Notebook, comes to mind, reminds me that there is quality tv and very awful cinema.

The second is Lost, which I've commented on before. So far I REALLY like it. But I fear J.J. Abrams is going to disappoint me again by trying to make me suspend my willful disbelief far further than I'm capable of separating from it ... like he did in the 2nd and 3rd series of Alias, which used to be my favorite t.v. drama. I watched the entire first season in the past 48 hours ... yeah, it was awesome. I have about nine episodes to catch up on and I'm already hearing mixed reviews. From it's getting better with the character development and drama, to it's getting slower and dragging on further. Oh well, perhaps why I only like to commit two hours to a movie versus an hour every week for years.

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