Wednesday, January 25, 2006

as if you cared

Monday I had jury duty! Yay! Well actually I was quite curious about it, this being the first time I had been called. Monday I went down to the DC superior court, thinking to myself this would only take a couple hours at most and then I might have the rest of the day free to do some chores and maybe even catch one of the hundreds of movies I've been dying to see. After waiting in two different queues just to check in for about an hour and a half, I realized those hopes were completely dashed.

During the lunch break I rushed to Kinko's and was suddenly annoyed with America for not having nifty little internet cafes on every street corner, instead I had to move to two different workstation before I found one that would charge my card, had a keyboard that worked, and didn't have suspiciously stained seat cushions. And still I had to endure some leering bearded goat sitting in the station next to mine. There I typed a letter to everyone saying that my evening plans were completely suspended as a result of the arduous process of sitting around for an entire day for jury duty.

I wasn't selected. I can't say I was disappointed either way. On one hand it would have been awesome to witness one of the U.S.'s unique democratic institutions at work, on the other hand, I had much going on at work.

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