Tuesday, January 10, 2006


This is my last full day in South Africa. The travel has gone from ZA's most south westerly point to nearly its most north easterly region. As previously explained by a fellow District of Columbian I met on our wine tour of Stellenbosch, Cape Town is not South Africa, and South Africa is not Africa. The past four days I've actually felt like I'm in South Africa. Renting a car from the Jo'burg airport we high tailed it to Kruger National Park. Saw tons of impalas, wildebeasts, zebras, giraffes, elephants, and coated our rental car tires with more elephant poop than I can really care to stand for :)

I saw a glimpse of the elusive lion from a far distance. We did not get to see rhinos, leopards, or cheetas but we almost got into an altercation with a large elephant who had declared himself the gatekeeper of the road we were on. After idling for 5 minutes, then turning off the car to see if he'd be on his way, we turned around, and almost ran into another elephant coming onto the road who would've most certainly boxed us in.

Last night I arrived at my sister's Peace Corps site, with mountains and valleys. I stayed with her super friendly and open host family. Today I'm packing. It's incredible to think that in less than two days I'll be back in chilly D.C.

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