Thursday, January 12, 2006


I'm at Heathrow now, more than half way home. It's funny to think a moment's decision was what made my parents decide to the settle in the U.S. rather than the U.K. I could've grown up a London-girl. London has generally felt like a second home to me anyway. And now I have another home with my sister's home stay family in the misty highlands of Venda, Limpopo Province in Northeastern South Africa.

It's hard to imagine that 12 hours ago I had blown a tire on on a muddy slippery ruddy road in a rural village two hours away from the nearest movie theater. A man who met me for the first time changed my flat tire. I snapped pictures of the adorable pre-school kids my sister works with and met the school staff. And then I took off for the airport two hours away to connect to Jo'burg.

On the flight to India, Dubai, and Jo'burg, there were absolutely no movies I was interested in seeing. On the flight home, I'm facing the oppposite dilemma, there's so many movies I want to see that my flight time doesn't actually allow me to see all of them. And somewhere in there I'm going to have to nap, although I've started my body on the EST clock again. So far I've seen "Proof," for hottie Jake Gyllenhaal, "Skeleton Key," which because I watched with such low expectations I was surprised that it wasn't bad at all, and "In Her Shoes," once again a movie I had such low expectations that I found it surprisingly funny. I tried to squeeze in "Sense and Sensibility" and "Broken Flowers" but BA was having problems with those channels and I opted to sleep. Well 9 more hours to go ....

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