Thursday, April 14, 2005

curb my enthusiasm

Yay! So Naomi actually tagged me for an mme! I have no idea what that means but it's cool because I can now blog about this topic:

List five things that people in your circle of friends or peer group are wild about, but you can’t really understand the fuss over.

1. Bars--yeah everyone in DC is nuts about them ... clearly I have a thriving social life ;) But this hatred of bars is already well documented.

2. Lost--that show with dinosaurs and stuff ... After the Alias creators lost me on Sydney's two year 'bout of amnesia in Season 3, I decided the creators were whack ... and I couldn't be sorely disappointed by a new series again.

3. Marathons--I used to think getting into a ring with a complete stranger and battling it out for 3 2-minute rounds in a Taekwondo tournament in some godforsaken mid-Western city like Cleveland or Detroit , paying for hotel, airfare, and tournament fees only to get my ass whipped was bad ... but DAMN running 26 1/2 miles???!!! Props to masochists!!! No, truly I respect you, but it's not on my list of things to do.

4. Arlington-it sucks and YOU GUYS ARE NOT FROM DC!

5. The Yuppie thing-people are actually proud of that ... how can you be proud of that??? Stupid smarmy SUV riding-yellow 'support the troops' ribboned weapons of bicyclist-death. The irony of the 'support the troops' sticker on a SUV ... need I say more?

Even though people don't read my blog, I hope anyone who reads this isn't pissed at me. Really I love you Becca, Julie, and Naomi ... you guys and some other friends are the only reason I'd think about getting off the metro at an Arlington stop .... that and Pho 75. I do have to say, Arlington rocks because it does have a Pho 75. Marathoner's do rock ... my body and mental abilities are just not up to the task. And I've never seen an episode of 'Lost', but the Alias writers have truly scared me from ever watching any of their creations. I still stand by yuppies and bars sucking, which is why it's harder to drag me into Arlington imbibing establishments than a true redneck establishment.

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