Sunday, March 20, 2005

the best Indian restaurant ever

in DC anyway is in Cleveland Park, called Indique. Coming from a discriminating S. Asian person such as myself that's saying a lot. My friend and I decided to do the tapas thing so we can have a taste of various things. Nothing disappointed. The crab cakes are to die for, we could've ordered 6 more. The tapas-size dosa was fabulous as well. We got quail, which was pretty good, although probably not worth the labor to eat it. Despite that, the first course was so good we almost ordered entrees too. Instead I got lamb korma to go for lunch the next day, and ordered four items for dessert: mango lassi (a must!!! made with fresh not frozen mangos!), masala chai(well balanced mixture of spices), some kind of flan thing ... don't order it, tasted like a butter pie or something, but the kulfi (saffron and pistachio ice cream) was amazing. Easily rivals Heritage India's kulfi. Heritage is great for traditional Indian food, but Indique takes the cake for innovative gourmet Indian food that I would be proud to take my out of town S. Asian friends to.

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