Monday, March 28, 2005


now I love my mom, don't get me wrong. But there is definitley something inherently wrong when my mom discovers the URL to my blog and starts reading it everyday. Take the previous post for example, about me almost hitting a pedestrian. I didn't actually hit her, I almost did, instead maybe all she got is a set of headphones stretched a bit too thin when I my handlebars yanked them out of her oblivious head. But my mom reads this (and again I love my mom) but my sarcasm/penchant for melodrama does not serve the anxious mother well:

I read on your blog that you had an accident, you hit a pedestrian with your bike. What happened, was the person okay, did she has to go to the hospital, were you hurt. Please let me know what's going on about this.

Seriously ma, I'm fine, I'm burning spaghetti sauce right now, (just kidding!!! melodrama is funny!!!) I'm really not dying of smoke inhalation right now!!! Sheesh. I'm cruel, I don't deserve my mother.

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