Sunday, March 13, 2005

time to decompress

Hoya! So I'm back from my NYC trip and ready to embark on my spring break, which although I still have to work, my evenings are free! And I won't feel like passing out by Wednesday afternoon which is the way I've felt since Spring semester began.

I was very happy to go to NYC, to visit two great friends with one excellent girl-friend. So I go onto the three things I immediatley love about NYC:

1. Guy to girl ratio, much higher than DC; fabulous ego boost when my g/f and I hit the club Lotus. Which by the way had the best house music dj I've heard in a loooong time.

2. No smoking in bars and clubs. It was heavenly, for some reason I was able to dance much longer, and not wake up feeling hosed and smelling like ass. It was one of the greatest clubbing experiences I've ever had.

other things:

4. H&M in mid-town, NYC is not ghetto-style H&M in Chinatown, DC

5. Metropolitan Museum of Art

6. Couture ... on sale!!!

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