Tuesday, April 19, 2005


I can't resist DC International Film Fest being in town. Last night I went out to see "I Love Cinema" (Egypt), funny, macabre, and wonderful at the same time. Heartily recommend seeing it.

Tonight I watched a rather disturbing film with John Leguizamo called Cronicas (Mexico). First its about the investigation into a serial child rapist/killer of over 150 boys and girls in South American. Besides knowing that from the description, there's a rather brutal lynching scene ... however you must get past your queasiness if you want to get through the rest of the movie. Some people will hate this movie, you come out essentially feeling pretty disgusted at the whole human race, particularly given the performance of Damian Alcazar (Crimes of Father Amaro) who plays the main suspect ... quite riveting and desperately believing. All in all, a pretty dark film about an ugly hideous overcast world where corpses of little girls are found in the mud and fathers are set on fire in front of their sons and pregnant wives. Nobody comes off squeaky clean. Oh, and then there are the sounds of flies intermittently through the movie; particularly at pivotal scenes ... to remind you that the Devil and Hell are also unseen characters in the script.

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