Wednesday, September 14, 2005

bad for you good food

Fried chicken, curly fries, Wendy's burgers, Jerry's potato wedges, Haagen Dazs ... Despite what one might think its fairly easy to replace these unhealthy choices with grilled chicken, boiled potatoes, the Gardenburger, roasted potatoes, and um, frankly there's really no good substitute for ice cream, except frozen custard which is probably worse for you. Now that's nine days out of ten, that I'll eat healthy, and then I'll splurge--even though I know this sits like a brick in my stomach, chipped beef on toast. Mmmmm mmmm. If you look at it, it's pretty gross. Lumpy cream colored (or orange if you go to Bob & Edith's) gravy with bits of shaved super processed beef on two slices of buttered toast. Even though its a treat that I'll pay for in a couple hours by multiple runs to the bathroom, I'm always quickly shoveling it down my throat, in hopes nobody stops by and looks at my food like, What the heck is that???


Anonymous said...

Vanilla ice cream and hot french fries from McDonalds will be the end of me.

Ex-Bureauqette said...

hot fudge sundae, you can't beat it

Anonymous said...

don't forget the nuts.