Tuesday, September 20, 2005

changing season gastronomes

Its still hot outside, but breezy and comfortable enough to climb in the various river gorges. It also means a change in my gastronomic tendencies. As a creature who's happiness is expressed by the palette and having an eye view of beautifully prepared food (to eat!) I can say, I'm saying goodbye to the fruit accented salads of summer, and cool sushi fare of the evening (although I will revisit both no doubt in the cooler seasons). Now I can eat at 2 Amy's without guilt, inhale Vietnamese noodle soup and indulge in another Fall raw treat-oysters. DCist alerted me to Old Ebbitt Grill's Oyster Riot. Now I imagine Oyster is a totally acquired taste, much like many things like beer, wine, sushi, but all of which have great rewards after having acquired said taste. Yes its a bit funny looking, tasting, feeling, smelling, but mmmm mmm the salty sweet complexity of an oyster is frankly, well, I haven't found it anywhere else. So anyone up for a November evening of slurping and imbibing?

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