Sunday, September 11, 2005

the point guide

I can't say this speaks for all women, but I figure it's time to put it out there. Particularly given how the change in a women's status and opportunities have also confused relations between the sexes. So here's a sampling of behaviors that are rewarded and infractions that may be grounds for dismissal:


Courtesy, ie:) opening doors, saying please, thank you, I think Cleveland Park Men's Best Practices actually does a good job of explaining this) (100)
Paying for a meal on the first date, but if she insists (ask if she's sure) on splitting the check, then do it (100)
Flowers, particularly unexpectedly (100)
In general surprising her in a good way (500)
Being romantic but not in a gag reflex kind of way (you have to figure this one out on your own, see the next point) (500)
Listening to her (you can show you are by asking questions about what she's talking to you about) (500)
Making her laugh (500)
When introducing you to your friends, making it easy (500)
Cooking her a meal (not appropriate for the first date) (500)
Being confident and sure of yourself without being egotistical and arrogant (750)
Having her parents get along with you (1000-not necessary for everyone)
Having her friends get along with you (1000-not necessary for everyone)


Trying to get her drunk on the first date (-100)
Eying other girls in her presence (-500)
Hitting on other girls in her presence (grounds for dismissal)
Making fun of her -and not in a good way (grounds for dismissal)
Being on a completely different planet during a date (-400)
Hiding something bothering you by repeatedly saying you're fine! (-50-you can admit it without divulging details)
Not returning a phone call (-10, if repeated grounds for dismissal)
Standing her up (grounds for dismissal)
The mother hates you (grounds for dismissal-can depend on the woman)
Fighting with her friends (depends on the situation--I've been both: the disapproving friend, and the datee caught between a rock and a hard place)
Obsessive, jealous or manipulative behaviors (grounds for dismissal)
Cheating on her (grounds for being strung by your balls from a tree branch)


Anonymous said...

Hey Naz, I enjoyed reading the point guide. Very entertaining!

Ex-Bureauqette said...

Thanks! Although I guess the infractions and their penalties are harsh ... although I say, if he makes a girl cry in happiness, great, but if he makes her cry in sorrow, time to kick'em to the curb