Friday, September 16, 2005

mail guilt

Don't you hate it when you get free things from non-profits??? Without asking for them? I mean really, on their paltry budgets, they give you a little token--like pre-gift gratitude, for which you are expected to make a donation worth 100 times more? I feel guilty, WETA just sent me beautiful personalized mailing labels with pretty pictures of DC's monument's on them. I'm keeping the labels, and umm, maybe when I see them again, I'll remember to write a check.

So does that make me a bad person? I MEAN I DIDN'T ASK FOR the PRETTY LABELS!!


Chopin Girl said...

Hey, it's THEIR decision to send the ding dang things.... don't be pressured to send any money unless you really want to. (The Wash Human Society sent some really cute ones with kitties next to my name.... sooo cute).

Chopin Girl said...
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