Thursday, December 16, 2004

drunken phone call 1

okay the story behind the drunken phone call (from anonymous drunken campaign friend):

We lost the election. 90 votes. Got extremely drunk and swam in the ocean at midnight. Very cold. This was all before I called you. Sorry. I can't tell if your inflection was annoyance or bemused. Hopefully a little bit of both.

Was calling all the west coast people, and then realized I hadn't talked to you in a while. A since you were in FL, it would be ok. Different time zones. Anyway, I highly reccommend night swimming on a freezing cold day. It would be funny if FL got snow while you were there.

thankfully although its unseasonably cool in Tampa, its not snowing ... a lot people on my way to work notice i was wearing sandals despite by sweater and fleece ... 60 degrees with sun in Tampa in December is comparatively nice!

i'm thinking people will read what i write if i put in stuff they write

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