Wednesday, September 14, 2005

disappearing karma

When one's time is consumed with trying to decide what she should do with the scant free time (work out, do homework, see friends?) I will try to break up what would be an ordinarily boring day. For example, looking for Karma, a lounge coffee bar somewhere in Foggy Bottom. Now I've rode my bike past this place dozens of times but whenever I actually go to look for it on foot, I can never find it. And I never seem to remember the intersection. Senior moments.

Looking at the menu I'm surprised it's focused on Mediterranean foods. Particularly since Karma is a Buddhist concept, starting from India that spread to East Asia and definitley not the Middle East. Oh well, next time.


Anonymous said...

The tragedy of innovative restaurant concepts gone awry or unsatisfied. My take on the menu--readjusted:

Instead of easy-prep simple deli meats, fire the grille/skillet to create seasonal menus based on local ingredients. Quick skillet hot items with a seared wine/fire sauce. Ice bath cold items as a contrast:

Unless it's a keystone item, drop the caesar and italian moz/tomato salad for something a little off:
- Thai chicken, orange and walnut with light sweet saffron dressing.

- Grilled red beet and endive salad served with seared lemon shrimp

- wasabi-crusted roast beef drizzled with spicy plum reduction

Most of these are fast-prep (IV or higher) and ingredients are easily purchased (cisco or other)...

Ex-Bureauqette said...

it's interesting the 'karma' alluding to spirits (which has nothing to do with the definition of Karma) is in reference to their wines

oh well i shouldn't judge unless i've ate there ...

maybe my karma is telling me to stay away!

Anonymous said...

ooooo this is the ghost of karmaaaaa come to karmaaaaaaa and spend lots of moolaaah on unimaginitive fooooooddddd