Sunday, May 08, 2005


My little sis graduated today, er yesterday morning!!!! I'm super proud of her ... with honors to, magna cum laude! As I froze my ass off in the JMU stadium, I decided that when selecting a commencement speaker, universities should NEVER choose politicians. At my graduate speech, we had VA State Governor Warner, who went on at length about the bills he was proposing in the state legislature, by that time, everyone was either taking a nap or chatting with old friends or on their cell. For my sister's graduation, they got Secretary of Treasury Snow, who at first seemed to sympathize with everyone about the terror of the commencement speaker, but then went onto praise Bush and Rumsfeld ... thanks buddy, I know you're still looking for a job after you turn in your resignation in 2008 but COME ON!!! Really, maybe I wouldn't mind if it's a 'retired' politician, like Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, or my absolute favorite, Bill Clinton, otherwise I think they ought to stick to comedians and actors ... maybe I'm missing a bit of tradition here, that speaker's must be people who 'made it' but why make it painful??? Why? Why???

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