Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Five-Bedroom, Six-Figure Rootless Life

From this NYT article ... I'm trying very hard not to just post articles on this site without any explanation, but despite being like 7 pages long or something, I was totally engrossed. Maybe this is what's wrong with America. Screwing your family for the sake of moving up. Mrs. Links whines about the long commutes, disrupting her kid's educations, and then she acquiesces to her husband's corporate shenanigans. I did a fair amount of moving when I was a kid, and besides the divorce, it's always been singly one of the most common traumatic things a kid can go through. I went from one school to the next, unsure of my place, and usually ending up the butt everyone's jokes ... shout out to my other brown 'smelly indian' friend (if you read this) who ended up being the rectum during an elementary school science class section ...

Screw it, if you're making 6 figures, why the f* can't you stay where you are? I don't make nearly as much money and I'm an uber happy urbanite in DC, where nothing is more than a mile away.

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