Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Because every night I've gone to sleep this week, I've woken up with bites, sometimes in places where elastic from my clothes bunched my skin in sensitive places I shall not mention, I went to CVS in search of an indoor mosquito repellent. I'm not sure how they got into my apartment, I think they must've piggybacked on my pack when I came back from rockclimbing in Great Falls. In the past I've doused myself with DEET before going to bed, but I find that to be a rather unappealing long-term solution, particularly after taking a refreshing shower before I go to bed. Everything and CVS either had to mounted outside, involved burning something, or spraying something. The only thing they had was a portable Sunbeam electronic mosquito repellant which allegedly transmits a sound that can't be detected by human ears but can be heard by pets and insects.

I turned it on and I could actually hear the transmission! Hmm, so I have super human ears ...

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