Wednesday, February 23, 2005

romantic comedies=irrational uptight b*tch as heroine

On President's day I took the opportunity to have lunch at Cafe Tirolo, a hidden gem of an Austrian/Hungarian restaurant that upstages it's front facade neighbor Tara Thai, with its cuisine and quality of food. I grudgingly admit, when it comes to ethnic cuisine, Northern VA has got DC beat in all aspects except possibly Ethiopian, which I have yet to try. But anyway, afterwards I saw

Hitch, translated, why-great-soul-ful-men-Somehow-get destroyed-by-irrational-uptight-bitch-heroine-and-still manages-to-love-her-and-thus-make-her-look-worse. Big studio romantic comedies are normally light brained fluff good for a little escapism but I've noticed a disturbing trend. Why is the woman-object-of-desire always the one who destroys the hero's life and still gets taken back? Why can't she be an angel? Instead the heroine is always irrational, crazy, and bitchy. And the guy is just too tongue-tied and beside himself.

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