Wednesday, February 09, 2005

the truth about US and Middle East peace

Recently Condoleeza Rice has informed the public intentions to restart the Middle East peace process. With a new Palestinian leader, Abu Mazen elected recently, the prospect seems ripe. One of my neighbors wrote a book about the Camp David 2000 summit, which I found to be a really good read and alternative viewpoint to the events that transpired and the reasons for the summit's failures. Clayton Swisher's The Truth About Camp David, is a book hopefully Ms. Rice and her counterparts will pick up and read. The author writes his book based on interviews with many of the negotiators at the 2nd Camp David and provides some startling insights into the ill-preparedness of the Clinton administration and the underlying factors that compromised the administration neutrality in the negotiations. Anyway, that's just my shoutout to Clay there ... down there on the Terrace level.

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