Tuesday, August 02, 2005

girl women

Having heard much about the Cleveland Park Men's Club, I decided to peruse their website. For a sampling ...

Women vs. Girls

From a man’s perspective there are two types of available females: Women and Girls. At a certain point in his maturation, a man realizes that the latter category is an utter waste of his time, while the former category is rare and worth doing virtually anything to find and to keep, to have and to hold....

A Girl
possesses a combination of several of the following characteristics.
Her Manicure : A Cure for Breast Cancer
Her Shoe Collection : Her Collected Works
Shopping : Living
Sitcom Plot Lines : Political Plot Lines
Being Skinny : Being Genuine ....


A Woman possesses a combination of several of the following characteristics.
Independent : Trying to Be a Man’s Dependent
Confident : Seeking Men to Bolster Confidence
Passionate About Something: Passionate Only for a Lover
Capable of Loving a Man : Capable of Loving a Man’s Title
Mature Enough to Be a Mom : Simply Capable of Being a Mother
Genuine : Putting on a Show to Catch a Man
Sincere : Playing Games to Test a Man
Longing for Love : Seeking Only Romantic Trappings
Self-Aware : Only Aware of Her
I find it ironic because I don't think most men would know a woman if she hit him over the head. Generally these are the men who think they'll find the 'one' at a bar or something. But Bureauqette, don't you go clubbing? Yah to dance with girlfriends in nice big circle, elbowing and shoving male interlocutors.

But ya know it got me thinking, I don't think it's so much the difference between women and girls, because I see the same difference between boys and men, if you can call it that. Really it comes down to experience and maturity. I've only had two boyfriends to speak of and they shared similiar backgrounds: parents still together, stay at home mom, private school education, good colleges, professionals. When I asked what was the worst time of their life, their response might have been something that was no doubt tough for them, but I think in the realm of childhood, experiences that were not particularly extreme or uncommon. I'm not going to say my childhood was worse or better than anyone else's, but there's a difference between people who've had to be decision makers in their families, and been part of the process of severe life changing events. There are other people who've had near perfect childhoods, one that anyone would want for their children. Although those are the people I find have a sunny rosy view of life, care not for health risks or other small disasters because although they've been preached about it, they have not experienced the vagaries of life.

So what about girls and women? How about immature versus mature applying to both sexes?

1 comment:

The Senator said...

You make a good point on ranking the level of maturity for both sexes. However, I know lots of adult "women" who act like girls...I digress.

I, my dear, have found a great woman...The Florist. She might not have "hit me over the head," but she certainly did rock my foundation. Life couldn't be better.