Sunday, August 28, 2005


Look! I decided it was time for a change, the last template had 24 stamped in the corner, and when I started this blog, it meant something, it was my age. Now I've left 24 behind, can't claim I'm in my lower 20's anymore and can rent a car without paying a premium. woohoo. For my next few birthdays, I'll probably let by pass quietly, in pajamas, some good DVD's, at home slacking. I'll actually do my laundry, clean my place, do all my shopping, and not have any chores to do. Maybe if I feel like splurging, I will rent a cabin somewhere far from civilization. Is it possible to say the city is wearing on me? Maybe because the last week is definitley about celebrations. I have to say, I'm not used to having such an active social life so it wore me out :) In a little more than a week I'll be starting classes again. Somewhere in there I'm going to maybe get a closet organizer, finally install the track lighting I bought, and maybe get rid of the boombox I have from 8th grade.

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