Tuesday, January 18, 2005


I've tried to refrain from writing about the weather, but it is doggone cold in the district. A mutiny on the orange line at the Metro Center stop ensured my walking to the Elliott School in Foggy Bottom, that's practically a mile, and given all the detours I had to make because of all the road and apparently pedestrian closures, I was nicely rosy cheeked from the windburn when I arrived at school. Only to find out that I probably didn't have class today!!!! And here I was thinking that I would break my exercise streak by having to pick up an add/drop form before the registrar closed and attend a class I'm not even registered for. Well just in case the GWU schedule system is really f*ed up, I'm going to stay until 7:10, the official start time of my class just to make sure that I really did walk here in the cold to find that class doesn't start till next Tuesday.

Otherwise, the mutiny on the metro ... of course the usual delays, and then the operator started threatening to discontinue service and make everyone offload if people didn't get out of the doorways. Well somehow that didn't connect and the doors still couldn't close. Nevermind that the orange/blue lines were running 20 mins behind, the operator, either out of being a sheer asshole or the passengers having really broken the train had to disembark. Hence my journey to the Elliott School.

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